Thursday, March 12, 2009

Credible v.s Non-Credible


My first non-credible web site is abortion facts because on this site it show alot of links that goes to different site that is not talking about the topic of abortion. The sources of the imformation are not footnoted or explained. There no clear author and can be edited by anyone. Is more than four ads on page that do not ahve nothing to do with abortions.

My second non-credible web site is because this web site has a .com on the web domain and anybody can go to the site and copy or take something of there site. This site talk about illinois clinics and nothing about abortions. This has no clear author for this site. the sources of the information are not footnoted or explain correctly


My first credible website is called because this page do not show no ads at all on this page. Its got a good description of how to be a parent for there child thats about to be born. The author knows clearly about what he's talking about on is website. It explain alot about abortion and I know teen's come to this page for help and other things.

My second credible website is called abortion statistics because on this page do have no ads at all to other pages.It have all type of descriptions on the topic area. It focuse on the statistic of how many people get pregnant and how many people have abortions. the author knows what he writing about and have experience on the topic of abortions. The imformation has clear footnote and explain where the author received his imformations

1 comment:

  1. Luckey,

    I love this layout and it's so easy to read. This post uses space really well and the screen shots and explanation are great. Good work.

